Saturday, December 11, 2010

What I Miss Most

His crooked smile
That special look that said he loves me
The touch of his hands on my skin
Our kiss goodnight

His laugh
Rolling his eyes at my puns
Hogging the remote
To guard the History channel

His bedroom-blue eyes
Arms embracing me in sleep
Feeling his chest rise and fall
His weight on the bed

Morning coffee made just right
Sharing the daily paper
Admiring his legs
While he dressed for work

Nights at our cottage
Huddled together under a quilt
Watching meteor showers
Peaceful and content

My self-taught handyman
My knight in shining armour
Protector from spiders
And things that go bump in the night

His key in the door
At the end of the day
His hand in mine
Day after day after day after day

Being complete